(Quick Reference)


This tag will iterate over all content for a given space, defaulting to the current space.

You can supply a closure that will filter the results further, although you can restrict the results to a specific node type and/or status without using the filter feature.

For large spaces this tag can be expensive to execute.

Example of iterating over all image files in a space, at any depth:

<wcm:eachContent var="f" type="org.weceem.files.WcmContentFile" filter="${ { n -> f.mimeType.startsWith('image/') } }">
  Image: <img src="${wcm.createLink(path:f.absoluteURI)}"/><br/>


The supported attributes are:

  • *space (Optional) - defaults to the alias URI of the current space. Pass the alias URI of the space.
  • filter (Optional) - closure to filter the results by. Only the nodes that return a true value from this closure will be iterated over.
  • status (Optional) - status code or string. Defaults to "any published status"
  • var (Optional) - name of the variable that will contain the current node in the body
  • type (Optional) - specify class or class name to restrict to nodes of that type only
  • max, sort, order, offset - standard Grails limit and ordering attributes.