(Quick Reference)

2 Configuration and installation - Reference Documentation

Authors: Stephan Albers, Mark Palmer, July Antonicheva

Version: 1.4-SNAPSHOT

2 Configuration and installation


Weceem is available either as a standalone Java web application (.war file) for deployment to standard Java server environments, or as a plugin for the Grails application framework.


Deploying Weceem CMS requires:

  • Java 6 or higher
  • A supported SQL server e.g. MySQL or Postgres
  • A recommended 500MB RAM allocated to the Java VM
  • A writable filesystem folder for storing Lucene full-text search indexes

You don't need to install or have any understanding of Grails to use Weceem, but if you want to develop a custom application that uses Weceem, you will also need to install Grails.

Upgrading all Weceem installations

Prior to installing a new version of Weceem, always export each of your spaces to ensure you have a backup. Additionally, ensure your database and uploaded files (e.g. WeceemFiles/) folder are backed up.

Installing Weceem Plugin into the application

To install the Weceem plugin, the dependency must be added into grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy file in Grails application.

compile ':weceem:1.3'

The plugin version 1.3 should function with Grails versions > 2.3.8 (checked under version Grails-2.3.8, Grails-2.4.3) and higher (version Weceem-1.2 -- for Grails-2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x).

Once the plugin is installed into the application, a few Grails configuration changes may be required to make the CMS work in your application. These options are required for Weceem to operate correctly inside the application.

Note: When upgrading from an earlier version of the Weceem plugin, you may need to manually uninstall some older Grails plugins, if your new release of Grails does not do it automatically.

Warning! Weceem-1.3 uses Elasticsearch plugin - it can be configured with Hibernate3 and Hibernate4. Weceem-1.3-M2 and lower uses Hibernate3 because of Searchable plugin usage (Searchable is not running on Hibernate4), also Searchable requires additional maven repository "http://repo.grails.org/grails/core" for getting dependencies. Do not forget to configure (for version 1.3-M2 and lower) :

repositories {
             mavenRepo "http://repo.grails.org/grails/core"



Once the plugin is installed, there may be some Grails configurations that need to be changed to make the CMS work in the application. These options are required for Weceem to operate correctly within the application.

Configuration of Weceem is primarily through Grails configuration settings. In Weceem application these will come from a properties file that could be configured via system property

specified in the command line. But in the custom Grails application configuration is typically loaded from Config.groovy.

If you use a weceem.war that is built from GitHub and don't define weceem.config.location path, pay attention that the application will look for weceem.properties file from server root, for example for the Tomcat Server the properties file should be at /tomcat-server/webapps/weceem.properties

There are also several configuration options that allow you to customize how it behaves and looks.

Allowing file extensions

By default, Grails applications have content negotiation enabled based on file extensions in the URI, and this file extension is then removed from the URI. For the CMS to function correctly with content URIs like "common.css" and "jquery.js", you need to turn this off. To do so, change your application's Config.groovy to :

grails.mime.file.extensions = false

Default codec usage

By default, Grails applications are configured to use value 'html' - legacy setting for codec used to encode data with ${} . Weceem-1.3-M1 supports such default configuration, but if you use Weceem-1.2 version (or lower one), please configure it to 'none' :


Important: If you have additional configurations for GSP codecs, take into account the configuration for scriplets and expressions, they should be switched to 'none' for previour versions of Weceem too (<1.3-M1) :

// GSP settings
grails {
    views {
        gsp {
            codecs {
                expression = 'none'
                scriptlet = 'none' // escapes output from scriptlets in GSPs

Be attentive with Resources plugin!

Uninstall the `Resources` plugin or keep it but set


It is necessary to exclude everything served by Weceem (see above note on setting a content URL prefix) because Weceem must serve this content and Resources assumes that `/css` and so on are static resources.

URL mappings and Weceem

To replicate the behaviour of the binary Weceem Application WAR that can serve content from the "/" URI of your application, you must ensure the default URL Grails mapping for "/" in your application is removed. You will also probably benefit from removing the generic "$controller/$action?/$id?" mapping which can cause confusion.

You can namespace all Weceem controllers using configuration options to prefix all URIs that Weceem uses.

Setting URL prefix for all content served by Weceem

Weceem by default maps all created content into the "root" URI of the application. URLs are formed by "/{space URI alias}/${document URI alias path....}". Having a space with a blank alias URI, allows you to map content into the root URI. To achieve this Weceem has to be rather promiscuous with its URI mapping.

If you would like your own controllers to be accessible with your own Grails URL mappings, you can prefix all content URIs by setting a single Config.groovy setting:

weceem.content.prefix = 'content'

With this, all Weceem content will be accessed under "/content/" - i.e. http://localhost:8080/content/About

Setting URL prefix for non-content Weceem controllers

Weceem has its own non-content controllers that provide publicly-accessible support functionality such as the search, archive and visitor content submission controllers. If there are name conflicts with your own controllers, prefix these URIs with the following Config.groovy setting:

weceem.tools.prefix = 'wcm-tools'

This will then ensure that all the Weceem tool controllers are accessed like this http://localhost:8080/wcm-tools/search

Setting URL prefix for Weceem administration UI

The Weceem repository and administration UIs may also clash with your URI conventions, or you may have your own "admin" controller that you want at "/admin". For this, you can just change the prefix for the Weceem Admin controllers by adding the following to Config.groovy:

weceem.admin.prefix = 'wcm-admin'

The standard Weceem admin interfaces under http://localhost:8080/wcm-admin/

Defining available default Space templates

You must tell Weceem what default content spaces are available to users or your code. There are two default spaces provided by the plugin but usually your application will want to specify alternative defaults so that it "boots" with your own content in it.

Setting the location of uploaded files

Weceem, by default, will store files uploaded by you (e.g. images, CSS and so on) to a folder inside the application's folder on the server. However, during an application upgrade, this becomes inconvenient because the files will often need to be manually duplicated in the new location on the server.

Since 1.0-M1 you can set the location of the upload folder or URL:

// Tell weceem to use a specific path /var/weceem/uploads
/var/weceem/uploads weceem.upload.dir = 'file:///var/weceem/uploads'

// or tell weceem to keep it in the application folder, but with a new URL weceem.upload.dir = '/weceem_uploads/'

Till version 1.4-SNAPSHOT Weceem auto-senses file URLs in the value and uses that location if it is a file URL. If it is not a file URL, then it assumes it is a new URL path and uses it when serving the files.

Weceem will still store the files in <app-dir>/WeceemFiles, if a value is not specified for this config variable. These will be served from http://<yourhost>/<yourapppath>/uploads/

Since version 1.4-SNAPSHOT it is possible to configure weceem.upload.url too. Also the configuration properties weceem.upload.url, weceem.upload.dir can be defined as a Closure, so the values can be changed during application running.

weceem.upload.dir = {
           URL fileUrl = new URL('file:./uploadDir.txt')
           boolean isFileExists = new File(fileUrl.getPath()).exists()
           if (isFileExists) {
               return new File(fileUrl.getPath()).text
           }  else {
               return 'file:/var/weceem-smart-uploads/'

weceem.upload.url = { URL fileUrl = new URL('file:./uploadUrl.txt') boolean isFileExists = new File(fileUrl.getPath()).exists() if (isFileExists) { return new File(fileUrl.getPath()).text } else { return '/wcm/files/' } }

Customizing user profile and logout

When integrating your own user authentication/authorization system, you will want the Profile and Log Out links in Weceem admin to point to the relevant functions in your application. Specify a map of arguments that will be passed to the Grails g:link tag to create the links for these functions, with the following Config.groovy settings:

weceem.profile.url = [controller:'register', action:'edit'] weceem.logout.url = [controller:'logout']

Controller/action etc can be anything you like. You could use any arguments accepted by the Grails linking tags here e.g: uri, url, params, mapping and so on.

Customizing the look and feel of Weceem Admin

For the Weceem Admin pages to fit in better with your application's own styling, you can specify a different layout GSP for it with this Config option:


This stops Weceem from using the standard "weceemadmin" GSP layout and uses yours instead.

Customizing page for 404 and 406 Server responses

For the HTTP 404 and HTTP 406 Server responses, you can specify a different GSP pages with this Config option:

weceem.page404 = 'errorpage404'
       weceem.page406 = 'errorpage406'

By default, the pages '404.gsp' and '406.gsp' from Weceem plugin are used.

Controlling creation of the default space

You can configure whether or not Weceem should create a default space at startup, as well as what templates are available to the user:

// Turn off default space creation if no spaces found at startup
weceem.create.default.space = false

// Set the file: or classpath: URL of the default space zip if default creation is ON weceem.default.space.template = "file:/path/to/template.zip"

Changing the list of space templates available to users

To change the list of space templates available to users when they create a new space, list them in your Config:

// Set the list of available space templates when a user creates a new space
weceem.space.templates = [
    default: "classpath:/org/weceem/resources/default-space-template.zip",

Space templates are regular Weceem export ZIPs, and can reside in the file system (file:) or classpath (classpath:)

Use this to hide the default Weceem spaces and restrict user access to the space templates. This list of space templates does not have to include the default space template, hence you can have a default initial space that is unavailable to the users.