(Quick Reference)


This tag finds the nearest ancestor of given node type. It will look for a node from the starting point you give it, going up the parent lineage of the node until it finds a node that is of the specified type (or a descendent). If the node reference passed to it matches the type, it will be returned. If there is no ancestor matching the type, null will be returned.

This tag is useful for situations where you are writing a widget or template that needs to locate the nearest ancestor of a given type, e.g. when trying to render feed links for a Blog when your template may be used to render blog indexes or individual blog entry nodes.


<g:set var="blogNode" value="${wcm.ancestorOfType(node:node,type:org.weceem.blog.WcmBlog)}"/>


The supported attributes are:

  • node (optional) - A content node instance where you'd like the search to start.
  • path (optional) - A content path URI where you'd like the search to start.
  • type - The class name or class itself, of the type you want to find.

Note: If neither node nor path are specified, it will search from the current node - i.e. the node at the URI requested by the client.