(Quick Reference)


You can list content nodes by month and year, so that a user can click the month/year and then see a list of matching nodes as a search result.

This is often used in blogs, or in lists of press releases and you can achieve this with the single wcm:archiveList tag.


<wcm:archiveList type="org.weceem.html.WcmHTMLContent" path="news/pressreleases">
   <a href="$
">link: link needs a name and a url as argument: txt=null url=null
>${year}/${month}</a><br/> </wcm:archiveList>

The body of the tag (your code) is passed the month, year and link to view the results, so that you can render them as you wish.

A month/year/link entry is created for every child node of the base path that matches the specified type that is viewable by the current user.


The supported attributes are:

  • path - URI of the content node that is the parent of those you wish to iterate over
  • type (optional) - type of content node to match. Defaults to org.weceem.blog.BlogEntry

The variables passed to the body for each month/year with content are:

  • link - URL that will display list of matching nodes
  • month - month number (1-12)
  • year - year number