(Quick Reference)

3 General behaviour and concepts - Reference Documentation

Authors: Stephan Albers, Mark Palmer, July Antonicheva

Version: 1.4-SNAPSHOT

3 General behaviour and concepts

Content Publishing Workflow

A simple workflow mechanism is implemented in Weceem.

In Weceem, the workflow hinges on the Status of each content node. The following Status options are provided:

  • Draft
  • Unmoderated
  • Reviewed
  • Approved
  • Published
  • Archived

There is no UI for editing the list of statuses, but if you are a developer and wish to add new ones, bear in mind the rules for the workflow as set out here.

Each status has a numerical code - e.g. Draft is 100, Unmoderated - 150, Published - 400 etc. Each status also has a flag to indicate whether or not it is "public" content i.e. can be viewed by non-administrators. By default Published is the only status with this flag set.

All changes to status are made manually by repository users, unless the Publish From or Publish Until fields have values,

In the case of Publish From, once the date passes, the status of the content will change to the first status with "public content" flag switched on, which has a higher code number than the current status of the content. This offers scope for other statuses beyond the existing set, and migration upward through those states.

The one caveat here is that the Publish From mechanism will never change the status on content that is currently in the "Unmoderated" or "Archived" status used for visitor-submitted or expired content. If you need to change which status is used for "Unmoderated" or "Archived" content you can do this by setting the configuration variables to the numerical code values of the desired status weceem.unmoderated.status and weceem.archived.status

With Publish Until, the status of any published content that has expired will be set to the "Archived" status or the status defined in the configuration variable weceem.archived.status

Page Variables

Templates, Widgets and HTML Content (with allow GSP enabled) have access to a data model that includes several variables used to render information about the current page, user or space.

Variable: page

This object presents information about the current page of the web site. The page is constructed from a template and content, and is located using a unique URI. This is not to be confused with the "active" content node.


URIuri of this page relative to the current space
parentURIuri of this page's content node's parent
lineagelist of ancestor nodes, in top-down order
titlepage title
titleForHTMLpage title for HTML title tag, including SEO keywords
titleForMenupage title for rendering menus, usually a shorter version of the title

Variable: user

This object presents information about the current user.


usernameUser's login name
firstNameUser's first name
lastNameUser's last name
emailUser's email address

Variable: node

This object provides access to information about the primary content node of this page. The properties available will vary based on the content type.


titlecontent title
contentcontent text
aliasURIprimary URI for this content node
languagelanguage of this content, a Language object
createdByname of the user who created the content
createdOndate the content was originally created
changedByusername of the last user to edit the content
changedOndate on which the content was last edited
spacespace (object) to which this content node belongs