(Quick Reference)


The eachChild tag iterates over the children of a specified node. The children are the nodes immediately below the node.

Using this tag you can do all kinds of useful things such as rendering a list of links to child nodes, or render a numbered list of user-submitted comments inline.


<wcm:eachChild var="c" counter="n" type="org.weceem.content.WcmComment">
       <h3>${n}: ${c.title.encodeAsHTML()}</h3>

The above would render the comments of the current page, with a number alongside each.


The supported attributes are:

  • node (optional) - content node whose children you want to iterate. If no "path" specified and "node" is also not specified, will default to current node being rendered.
  • path (optional) - content URI path to the node whose children you want to iterate. If no "path" specified and "node" is also not specified, will default to current node being rendered.
  • status (optional) - content status or list of statuses you want included in your results. If none specified, it defaults to any publicly viewable content. If you want to show non-public content to permitted users, you can pass a single status code number, a WcmStatus intance, or a list of status codes or instances in this attribute.
  • type (optional) - name of a Weceem content class to restrict the results to, or the class itself. e.g. "org.weceem.html.HtmlContent"
  • var (optional) - name of the variable the current child will be passed in as. If not specified, will default to "it"
  • counter (optional) - name of the variable to receive the ordinality of the child within the iteration.
  • filter (optional) - closure (Groovy code), which will determine if each item is included in the results by returning true or false when returned each child node.
  • max, sort, order, offset - the standard Grails attributes for affecting finder results