(Quick Reference)


This tag retrieves and renders an external XML data feed, including RSS and Atom feeds. Feeds are retrieved from remote URLs and cached internally (currently for 1 minute at a time) to prevent the server retrieving feeds for every request.


For RSS the basic usage is:

<wcm:dataFeed url="http://somesite.com/some/rss/feed"/>

This retrieves the RSS feed and render links to the 5 most recent posts as <ul> and <li> tags.

You can use this to retrieve other XML formats and iterate over the nodes retrieved, and provide customized rendering.


The supported attributes are:

  • url - URL of the feed
  • max (optional) - maximum number of entries to show, defaults to 5
  • type (optional) - type of the feed. Defaults to "rss". Also accepts "atom". To render xml set the type to "xml" and also set the gpath attribute
  • gpath (optional) - used only if type is not rss or atom. This is a Groovy GPath expression used to select the XML nodes from the feed. For example a value of "product.detail" will get all the "detail" nodes under "product" parents in the retrieved XML document.
  • custom (optional) - Set to true to customize the rendering. By default the rendering is a simple <ul> list with a link to each "item.link" and "item.title" as the link text.

The current node is passed as "item" to the body of the tag if you specify custom="true", so that you can completely customize the rendering of the feed - not even the default <ul> will be written out.

For example you might render a news feed like this:

<div id="newspanel">
  <wcm:dataFeed url="http://somesite.com/some/rss/feed" max="3" custom="true">
    <div class="newsitem">

This would render the feed as a series of divs without links.